Cho Oyu and Beyond ...

Cho Oyu climb for a cause is an awareness and fund-raising campaign aimed to help provide much needed education to our often neglected indigenous children in the remote parts of the country. The climb objective is to set a new altitude record, an attempt of the 6th highest mt & one of the peaks in the death zone. This event intends to bridge the education gap, and hope we provide our indigenous children a better future -- safe and away from a possible 'death zone'.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Breaking the Barrier

Mt Cho oyu stands 26,906ft and is the 6th highest mt in the world, and one of the 14 peaks above 8000m/26,000ft (along with Mt. Everest and K2).
This extreme altitude is popularly known as - the death zone. It is called such, because at this altitude, human body starts to die.
Air in this environment is ~40% and less as you go higher -- barely enough to sustain human life. Acclimatization becomes impossible, body starts to shut down - digestive function stops, and other vital organs slowly dies. This is not a place intended for humans.
A climb of this peak is an endeavor that sits between the thin borders of extreme adventure, and insanity.
And this is the challenge that a Filipino mountaineer will tackle -- to become the first Filipino to break the death zone barrier.

"I've seen 11 of these 14 8000m peaks with my naked eye, and I always wondered how it's like to be on top of a death zone peak. Now the time has come for me to climb one of these mountains."

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Setting the mood. April 2005: visiting an Aeta village in Bilad Tarlac. Pasay Rotarians and sisters from Holy Spirit are providing regular education and livelihood assistance to this community. A visit to such village is a good eye-opener to us urbanites, there's a lot we can do for these indegenous folks.. (photo courtesy of Ed G.) Posted by Hello

What's the plan

General Schedule (2005)
- Climb logistics preparation (remote)
- Travel prepration (booking, etc)
- Get Sponsors (well, hirap neto if i can get financial assistance)
- Start training (endurance, technical)
- Finalize 'Cause'

- Start the campaign, media.
get donations, pledges
- Acquire/upgrade climb gears (ubos ang sweldo!),
plastic boots plang 720$ na, sleeping bag ko med-quality 450$.
and i still have 20 open items in my list, o my golay!
- Continue training (as if it matters, i need a 15,000-ft mt to train!)

- Do we have a going-away party? wag na, bka ma-udlot lang ung climb.
(unless my sponsor, la nako money e).

- Expedition starts (to about Oct wk2).
(Nepal to Tibet overland, then climb)
I'll try to send climb updates for this Blog, hopefully over a useful sat-fon.

How can you help?
DONATE!! see Cartwheel website (sidebar link). This program will not be successful without your participation. Eh di sana 'Climb' lang ung title, ndi climb for a cause hehehe..

Umm if you have extra, send me money for my climb na rin :)

Romi Garduch!


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Past event picture: Summit of Mt Aconcagua (22,842ft) Jan 1, 2005 Posted by Hello